
With two children at two different childcare and kinder centres, there are over eight teachers to buy end of year thank-you / Christmas / Chanukkah gifts. Besides trying to keep costs contained, it was also important to me to get the kids involved in making the gifts, especially Evie, who at four does understand the concept of gratitude and appreciation.

I would love to claim this idea as my own, but I did steal the concept from Tahnee, who posted about her edible gifts idea in 2012. So together with the kids, we went op shop shopping for baskets, bought a few tea towels from Oxfam and got baking!

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Our baskets contained a mixture of homemade goodies including biscotti, granolas and challah for our Jewish teachers, as well as some produce from our farmer’s markets.

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The kids used some of their artwork to create gift cards and I bought some “hand-made” stickers from Chibirun.


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The kids helped to decorate the baskets using shiny disco balls, ribbon and twine. They were very proud of their handiwork and the looks on the teacher’s faces as they were presented with their basket of goodies made all the messy kitchen work so worthwhile!




So if you are thinking of creating edible gifts for Christmas or any other occasion, here are some of my tips:

  • Choose recipes that are easy to make with the kids so they can get involved in the cooking
  • Print basic ingredients labels  to inform those with allergies or food intolerances
  • Visit your local thrift shops to find baskets, not only do they add character but of course there is the price factor
  • Tea towels make a great base layer but you could also use crepe paper or nothing at all
  • Print the recipe card and tie with twine to the gift

Have you ever made an edible gift? What has worked well for you?

Teri xx